ALL Newborns are very special gifts of our FATHER in Heaven.  They are a bundles of  joy for the home and to the parents.  YAHVAHSHVA Ha MASHIACH said: "Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones:  for I say unto you, that in heaven their messengers do always behold the face of My FATHER which is in heaven."  Mattithias.  18:10.  Just how important every newly born child is to our Father in heaven are expressed in this great statement of our Master, YAHVAHSHVA Ha MASHIACH.  May He shines His face on your newly born child.

In Mattithias 19:14, He said, "Suffer little children and do not hinder them to come unto Me, for of such is the Kingdom of Heavens."  Of such is the Kingdom of Heavens. They do not need to be baptized.  They are infants and they do not understand anything.  Therefore, you cannot teach them dogmas, so why baptize them?  But you could give them something you cannot give yourself:  Our Heavenly FATHER'S Smile. 

As in days of old, infants are dedicated to our FATHER in Heaven.  Give your Newborn the best; a prayer of blessing.  Let YAHVAH ELOHIM shine  His glorious face on your newborn and give him favor.  Let Him surround your child with His peace and fill his/her heart with His love and the fear of the Most High.  Let Him make him like Daniel, Meshach and Obed Nego, or her like Rebecca,  Leah or Rachel and Ruth. 

Have a baby and want to let him/her start life with a blessing from above? We offer prayer of blessing lifting up all newborns before our FATHER free. Or you may want to dedicate your newborn to YAHVAH and let YAHVAH, guide him/her through life. Do it at the comfort of your home. Up to twelve years old, any child who wish or any parents who seek to dedicate your child may do so.  Contact us  for more information.

                                                       Blessed is the Name of YaHVaH!
                                                       Barook Haba Beshem YaHVaH!